한국예술원 예술단은 미국속에 한국의 문화를 보금, 발전시키고 후세(2세)들의 정체성 확립을 위한 뿌리교육과 문화민족의 자긍심을 함양 고취시키기 위해 21년째 한길을 걷고 있습니다.
President Soon He So |
Art Director Hyung Joo Cho |
The Asian American Arts Center was founded in 1985. It originally started as a way to help the second generation Korean-Americans to find their inherited identity. But since then, through our performances in public schools, churches, government functions, and international celebrations, we have gained much interest from people of all generations and cultures. The president of Asian American Art Center has been performing and teaching for over 20 years the metropolitan area of Washington D.C. She has also performed overseas, by invitation, in over 75 countries such as Russia, Uzbekistan, Dominican Republic, and Japan (just to name a few). She has also performed at the Arts Festival in 1984 in Los Angeles Olympics as well as the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
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2006May 2, 2006 - Department of Justice, Washington D.C.May 5, 2006 - Montgomery County Asian American Health Initiative (Bthesda Marriot) 1992Senior Citizen Fund Raising Event (Montgomery College Performing Arts Center)1993Solo Performance by Invitation (Uzbekistan National Theater)Performance by Invitation (Taschkent, Russia National Theater) Harmony In Diversity (Fort Belvoir) Silver Humanity Right Conference International Union T’ SEL’s Baltimore Convention Center Catonsville Community College Multicultural University Maryland Arts Workshop Lincoln Theater Performance for Jazz Festival D.C. Freedom Plaza for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 19941994 World Cup Soccer Opening CeremonyAsian Pacific American Heritage Month for D.O.E. Foreign Connection Culture Ensemble Recital Bollow Sr. High School Washington D.C. County Human Right Harmony Hall Fort Washington Washington TV CH. 9 Special Performance K-AM Chamber of Commerce of Greater Washington Ethnic Heritage Festival Washington TV CH. 7 Washington D.C. World Jazz Festival Black Entertainment TV Concert Patrick Henry Elementary School Spring Garn High School Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Celebration International Fellowship Publick Playhouse 1995Performance at The University of The District of ColumbiaWDVM-TV Washington D.C. Arlington County School Board, VA J. W. Speaker Workshop (Washington D.C.) Montgomery County Ethnic Heritage Festival Silver Humanity Right Conference International Union Nineteenth Street Baptist Church (Love Bell Performance) D.C. World Jazz Festival (Washington D.C. Freedom Plaza) Performance at The NOVA Community College (Cultural Center Recital) Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC) Acriebration of Cultures Ethnic Heritage Festival Sligo Middle School Multi-Culture Night NBC-TV Washington D.C. Community Ethnic Affairs (Nature Center) The International Dinner Dance Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Office of Environmental Justice) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Twin Right Elementary School) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Department of Commerce) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity) 19961996 Atlanta Olympic Games –Opening CeremonyDisney World (Magic Music Days Performance) International Night (Crest Haven School) Special Ethnic Night (Bolling Air force) International Week (George Mason University) ’96 Open Ceremony Paramount Kings Dominion International Festival (Catonsville Community College) Asian Cultural Night (George Mason University) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Social Security Department Ministration) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Department of Commerce) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Fairfax County Public School) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Office of Environmental Justice) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Twin Ridge Elementary School) 18TH Korean Festival (Hopkins Plaza) Mayor’s Inaugural Concert (Baltimore Arena Stage) Korean Businessmen’s league of Maryland (Won Ang Wedding Center) First Night Annapolis (When the City Becomes a Stage) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Pentagon, Washington D.C.) Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Altmeyer Auditorium) Kaleidoscope of Cultural Performance (George Mason University) Global Village World Festival (Washington D.C.) Backus Middle School (Washington D.C.) Falls Church High School (Heritage Night) We are One (Lincoln Theatre, Washington D.C.) Smithsonian Birthday Party (Castle Stage, Washington D.C.) Bridging the Gap “Korean-African-American Relations” (News Ch. 2 WMAR-TV, Baltimore) Prince George County Publick Playhouse Recital Maryland Governor Paris Glendenning Inauguration |
'미국이민100주년사람들' 카테고리의 다른 글
미국 워싱톤에서 순수 한국말 방송을 시작한 “워싱톤 미주방송”의 박용찬아나운서 (0) | 2008.08.03 |