워싱톤 볼거리 썸네일형 리스트형 VIEW OF WASHINGTON D.C. PICTURES BY ANNIE Washington Monument Summer Hours Through September 7,2009 the Hours of Operation are 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. George Washington The Washington Monument is the most prominent structure in Washington, D.C. and one of the city's early attractions. It was built in honor of George Washington, who led the country to independence and then became its first President. The Monument is shaped.. 더보기 워싱톤 볼거리(NATIONAL KOREAN WAR VETERANS ARMISTICE DAY, 2009) NATIONAL KOREAN WAR VETERANS ARMISTICE DAY, 2009 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Fifty-six years after the signing of the Military Armistice Agreement at Panmunjom, Americans remain grateful for the courage and sacrifice of our Korean War veterans. More than 600,000 United States and allied combatants lost their lives in Korea during the 3 years of bitter warfare .. 더보기 워싱톤 볼거리 (디시 20가와 21가 인근 풍경-7/3/09) 더보기 Celebrating the Fourth of July in our Nation's Capital 미국 독립기념일-워싱톤 디시 불꽃 축제(7/4/09) 더보기 KOREAN WAR MEMORIAL-MID APRIL 링컨 메모리얼 앞에서 본 모니먼트 더보기 Smithsonian Kite Festival on the National Mall in Washington, DC Date and Time: Saturday, March 28, 2009, 10am to 4pm Location: On the grounds of the National Mall, between 4th & 7th Streets, NW Washington, DC The Smithsonian Kite Festival is an annual event that is traditionally a part of the festivities at the National Cherry Blossom Festival on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Kite enthusiasts show off their stunt skills and compete for awards in over .. 더보기 Dupont Circle Station-Washingtion D.C. Washingtion D.C. - Dupont Circle Station 인근의 가을 풍경 Neighborhood: Dupont Circle/Kalorama Address: Dupont Circle, Massachusetts Ave., & Connecticut Ave., NW Metro: Dupont Circle (red line) THE HEURICH HOUSE ...is available for special events. Perfect for seated dinners (up to 60 people) and stand-up receptions (up to 125 people) in the Conservatory. The Heurich House offers a unique experience for.. 더보기 The George Washington University 10월 18일 촬영 The George Washington University (GW or GWU) is a private, coeducational university located in Washington, D.C., United States. The school was chartered on February 9, 1821 as The Columbian College in the District of Columbia by an Act of Congress and since that time has developed into a nonsectarian research institution. Located four blocks from the White House, GW is known for its undergraduat.. 더보기 WASHINGTON D.C.구경하기1 국회의사당 촬영 9/18/08 이현기기자 Washington D.C.에서 가장 상징적인 건물 바로 국회 의사당이다. 국회의사당은 거대한 흰색 돔으로 된 그리스 식 건물로서 정상에는 미국의 유명한 조각가 Thomas Crawford 가 1863년에 완성한 "Armed Freedom"의 청동상이 우뚝 솟아있다. 북서쪽에 있는 콘스티튜션가와 남동쪽에 있는 인디펜던스가가 펜실베이니아가와 교차하는 지점인 캐피털힐에 있다. 이 건물의 서쪽에 몰이 있고 건물의 동쪽에 대법원 청사와 국회도서관이 있다. 의회(상원·하원) 부속의 많은 사무실 건물이 국회의사당의 남쪽과 북쪽에 인접해 있다. 또 1935년 대법원 청사를 따로 마련해 완성하기 전까지는 대법원의 회의장으로도 사용되었다. 1792년 국회의사당 설계도 공모전에서 .. 더보기 이전 1 2 다음